Welcome to Our Salon

Best Pet salon in iowa


Hi! I'm Alanna, hailing from the vibrant Midwest where my journey with animals began. Surrounded by a loving family and an eclectic mix of pets—dogs, cats, lizards, ferrets, guinea pigs, and fish—I grew a deep-seated passion for animal care and wellness. This passion not only shaped my childhood but has also guided my professional path.

Ten years ago, my adventure led me to California, where alongside my twin sibling, I delved into fitness modeling. It was during this time that I became a devoted owner to two adorable poodles, who brought immense joy and companionship. My commitment to animal wellness continued to flourish, inspiring me to further enhance my knowledge and skills in animal care.

Recently, I've laid down roots in Texas, embracing the warmth and community spirit here. My current furry family includes a spirited maltipoo and a lovable corgi, both of whom are my daily inspirations. At Pawsitive Vibes, I merge my lifelong devotion to animals with my professional expertise to offer tailored wellness services. I specialize in soft tissue therapy and aromatherapy designed specifically for pets, focusing on enhancing their well-being and happiness.

As an artist, my creative instincts also flow through my work at Pawsitive Vibes, where I treat every animal with the same individual care and attention that I bring to my canvas and custom clothing designs.

What Clients Say

Because pets can not tell you their impressions

Our Mission

Delivering the best pet care

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